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Permits and permissions
Marine licensing
Check if you need a licence
Activities that need a marine licence
Activities that may be exempt from requiring a marine licence
Before you apply
Environmental Impact Assessment for marine activities
Request an environmental impact assessment (EIA) screening opinion for a marine licence
Request an environmental impact assessment (EIA) scoping opinion for a marine licence
Request a sampling plan for a dredge or disposal marine licence application
Apply for a licence
Marine licensing low risk activities (band 1)
Applying for a marine licence
Marine licence application forms
Applying for a marine licence for projects using adaptive management or project phasing
Licence fees
Marine licence fees
Change, transfer, or discharge conditions from, a licence
Apply to change or transfer (vary) a marine licence
Apply to discharge conditions and/or for monitoring approvals of your marine licence
Submit data to the Marine Noise Registry
Information to support your application
How to carry out a Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessment for a marine licence application
How a Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) is undertaken in the marine licensing process
Marine protected areas
Conservation Advice for European marine sites (Reg 37)
Shoreline Management Plans
Assessing coastal squeeze
Marine development
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