Medium combustion plants and specified generators
Find out if you need a permit for your boiler, engine or turbine
What to do before you apply for a standalone Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) permit between 1 and less than 20 MW thermal input
What to do before you apply for a standalone Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) less than 50 MW thermal input that is also a Specified Generator (SG) or Part B activity
Apply for a permit for a standalone medium combustion plant between 1 and less than 20 MW thermal input
Apply for a permit for a standalone Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) that is also a Specified Generator or Part B activity
Charges for medium combustion plant and specified generator permit applications
Regulatory decision: specified generators used for research and development
Apply to transfer a medium combustion plant or specified generator permit to yourself
Apply to cancel your standalone medium combustion plant or specified generator permit
Apply to change your standalone medium combustion plant or specified generator permit