SoNaRR 2025 – the evidence informing how we should protect and enhance our natural resources

Wales' natural resources are part of the intricate web of life that connects us all. They support every facet of our modern lives – our health and wellbeing, the food that we eat, the clean air and water we rely on, and the overall prosperity of our nation.
These resources play a crucial role in driving and supporting the industries that form the backbone of our economy.
Furthermore, they create significant employment opportunities, foster economic growth, and contribute to the creation of wealth - all of which enhance the quality of life and wellbeing for individuals and communities across Wales.
But we know that the fibres that hold this complex web together are weakening. The pressures placed on our natural resources by the nature and climate emergencies are pushing nature and biodiversity to the brink, and threatening our health and well-being.
As one of the requirements of the Environment Act, we publish a report on the State of Natural Resources in Wales (SoNaRR). The report assesses the pressures Wales’s ecosystems face, their quality and their contributions to our well-being. It covers the quality of our waters, the air that we breathe, the value and benefits we gain from our land, seas, urban and green spaces, and the richness of our plants, animals and insects.
It brings together the most up-to-date and robust evidence available, assessing whether the nation is using its natural resources in a sustainable manner and to identify areas where improvements can be made.
It is prepared by a team of experts at NRW, drawing upon advice, data, and contributions from a wide range of specialists and stakeholders, both from Wales and around the world. These experts work collaboratively to gather and analyse the data, to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of Wales' natural resources.
The outcome is a powerful compendium of evidence that can be leveraged by policy and decision makers to inform our future path.
Crucially, it outlines where and how we all have a part to play and where we need to change course as a nation to ensure our natural resources continue to benefit current and future generations.
Currently, we are in the process of developing the third full report, which is expected to be published by the end of 2025. This upcoming report will build on previous findings and provide a thorough review of the progress made in managing Wales' natural resources.
Ahead of that, we have published an Interim Report (2024) which outlines our plans for SoNaRR2025 and highlights key new evidence that has emerged since SoNaRR2020.
It provides a snapshot of the most pressing changes and developments related to our natural environment, and it underscores the urgent need for continued action to address some of the most significant challenges facing Wales today.
Among the most critical issues highlighted in the interim report are the accelerating loss of nature, intensification of climate change and pollution.
These challenges threaten the long-term health of Wales' natural resources and, by extension, the well-being of the people who live and work in our communities.
While there has been some progress in addressing these issues over the past few years, the report makes it clear that much more needs to be done to reverse the damage, start the repair process and mitigate the ongoing risks.
The challenge may be great, but it is one that can only be addressed by all of us.
Which is why this interim report carries a message of hope and opportunity.
Just like the interdependent species and ecosystems that make up our natural resources, we humans are deeply dependent on one another to survive and to succeed.
By taking coordinated, decisive action now across government, business and society, not only can we safeguard the environment for future generations but we can also enhance the quality of life for people living in Wales today.
Decision-makers will need to have the right strategies, policies, and investments in place, and a real commitment to repairing the damage done and to work towards a more sustainable future.
It also means enabling businesses, the voluntary sector and individuals to harness their own capacity to make a change.
SoNaRR2025 will provide the evidence that can help plot the course for the future. If we come together and take the necessary steps, Wales has the potential to lead by example in creating a harmonious relationship between people and the environment—one that benefits both our natural heritage and our prosperity for generations to come.
You can read the interim report here.