Dyfnant Forest Resource Plan - Approved 1 July 2021

Location and setting

Natural Resources Wales is responsible for the sustainable management of the publicly owned woodlands and forests of Wales. They are managed for the benefit and well-being of the people who visit them and depend on them for their livelihood. This responsibility includes improving their biodiversity and long-term resilience to climate change so that future generations will also be able to enjoy the benefits they provide. Every ten years Natural Resources Wales reviews the long-term management plans for each forest area. These are compiled in a new Forest Resource Plan.

The Dyfnant Forest Resource Plan covers a large forest area located approximately 14 miles north west of Welshpool, in the Local Authority area of Powys. Nearby are the local village communities of Llangadfan, Llwydiarth, Garthbeibio and Foel.

The forest can be accessed via the B4395 from Llwydiarth.

Dyfnant forest sits between the catchments of the River Vynrwy and the River Twrch. To the east of Dyfnant are the Cambrian Mountains. 

Dyfnant Forest forms part of the National Forest for Wales. The National Forest will create areas of new woodland and help to restore existing woodlands including some of Wales’ irreplaceable ancient woodlands. In time, it will form a connected ecological network running throughout Wales, bringing social, economic and environmental benefits.

Opportunities within Dyfnant forest 

Shown in priority order:

Timber Production

Continue to maintain a sustainable supply of timber production and maximise productive areas through restocking choices and forest management strategies.

Species Diversity

Continue to improve resilience of woodland by diversifying restock species where suitable soil conditions are present in order to protect against pests and disease and to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Opportunity exists where Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN) larch felling has been completed.  

PAWS Restoration

Continue with restoration of Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) to semi-natural woodland state by using broadleaf planting and LISS management in highlighted areas of medium to high restoration potential, whilst supporting the diversification of age class and structure of the forest. Continue to improve habitat connectivity of ancient semi-natural woodland through this process.

Protection of SSSI, SPA and SAC features

Maintain open habitat and successional woodland buffer areas to protect the features of the Berwyn SSSI, SPA and SAC. Monitor effectiveness on a rolling five-year plan and ensure conifers with seeding potential are not present in buffer zone.

Peat Restoration

Continue to investigate areas suitable for deep peat restoration where viable to support carbon storage, water regulation and biodiversity. Monitor and evaluate restored areas.

Habitat Connectivity

Continue to support habitat linkage and connectivity in suitable areas alongside riparian zones, forest roads, PROWs and the National Trail using appropriate management methods and native species.  This shall be considered from a perspective both within and without of the forest resource (for example connecting hedgerows, peat land connectivity and ancient woodland remnants).

Heritage Features

Identify heritage feature locations and impact zones in order to avoid damage or concealment.

Health & Well Being

Promote access and forest use for locals for the benefit of mental and physical wellbeing and health.  

Deer Control

Implementation of deer management infrastructure to combat rising impact on restocking across Wales.  

Aesthetics & Landscape

Retain forest character within surrounding landscape and consider visual perception for the benefit of visitors and residents.


Location map
Long term primary objectives map
Forest management systems map
Indicative forest types map

Last updated