Upstream storage scheme prevents flooding at Pontarddulais

Pontarddulais’ upstream water storage scheme almost certainly prevented the town from flooding during Tuesday night’s stormy weather (19/10), says Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
Four flood warnings were issued in the south west of Wales early Wednesday morning, and NRW’s water monitoring gauges at the Flood Attention Scheme showed a depth of 3.5m of water was stored in the reservoir - the highest amount recorded since the scheme was put in place.
The £6.1m scheme was officially opened in March 2019 by the First Minister and Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs.
It involved the construction of a flood storage reservoir upstream of the town capable of storing 170,000m3 of flood water, which is almost the same as 70 Olympic size swimming pools.
Gareth Richards, Team Leader for Asset Performance, of NRW, said:
“This was a clear indication that the system - which is designed to prevent potential flooding of 224 residential and 22 non-residential properties - is working well and meant the reservoir had constricted the flow of water to what could pass safely through the town.”
Read more about the scheme on our website: