Workplace Recycling – NRW approaches to regulating

The Waste Separation Requirements (Wales) Regulations 2023 were introduced on the 6th April 2024. More commonly known as the Workplace Recycling Regulations, this new law requires all businesses in Wales to present their recycling separately in a similar way to what households already do.

As the regulator for this law, Natural Resources Wales want to work with businesses in Wales to support their workplace recycling and reduce their risk of non-compliance.

We have a new Wales wide team of 12 officers to help businesses and regulate these new requirements. Our approach to regulation is governed by the Regulators Code and set out in our Regulatory Principles. This means we:

  • focus on environmental outcomes,
  • our approach is evidence and risk based,
  • use the full range of regulatory tools available to us.

Our initial focus is to ensure that businesses and collectors are aware of the waste separation requirements and how it applies to them. Where support is needed, we will do what we can to support businesses to comply with the regulations. 

We recognise the scale of this change and appreciate the efforts businesses have already made to increase better quality recycling in Wales.  We also understand that there may be a bedding in period and some delays due to ordering collection vehicles or bins for example, but we want to see that businesses and collectors are complying with the regulations or taking steps towards compliance. 

We have and will continue to undertake a range of activities to raise awareness and monitor compliance. Where we find non-compliance, in line with our Enforcement and Sanctions Policy, we would consider the circumstances in each individual case to determine the most proportionate and appropriate course of action. 

We can offer advice and guidance as a first response on the steps you need to take to meet your legal obligations. Where no attempt is being made to take steps to comply or there is blatant flouting of the rules, we do have several enforcement tools available to us and powers to take a firmer approach where necessary, including both civil sanctions and criminal proceedings.

For further information have a look at our web page Natural Resources Wales / Workplace recycling: separating your waste for collection and Welsh Governments Code of Practice: Separate Collection of Waste Materials for Recycling: A Code of Practice for Wales | GOV.WALES

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