Learning in, learning about and learning for the natural environment 

Learners’ knowledge of digital technology can be used to enhance learning and understanding by taking mobile devices out into the natural environment. Portable and convenient, mobile devices provide opportunities to record observations, collect data and explain natural processes and concepts in a creative way.

Campaigning for nature - Running a social media campaign 

This activity plan sees learners take on the role of social media experts. They will be asked to plan, prepare and potentially run a social media campaign to raise awareness of an environmental issue or topic through their setting’s social media platforms.

Activity plan – Campaigning for nature - Running a social media campaign
Worksheet – Campaigning for nature - Running a social media campaign
PowerPoint presentation ­ Campaigning for nature - Running a social media campaign

Vlogging for nature - Creating an enviro-vlog 

This activity gives learners the opportunity to become ‘nature influencers’, making an enviro-vlog to share their thoughts on a given environmental topic, call others to action or to document changes in nature.

Activity plan - Creating an enviro-vlog: would your learners like to be nature influencers?

Nature champions

Theoretically, should a valued local area of natural environment be developed into a retail shopping centre? Or should it be preserved for future generations to enjoy and wildlife to thrive? This desk-based activity sets the scene for learners to become nature champions, investigating and researching online the history and significance of a local natural area before presenting their findings using persuasive language.

Activity plan – Nature champions
Resource card - Nature champions letter

Animating nature through stop motion animation

This activity gives learners the opportunity to become the educator, making a short animation to explain a natural process or lifecycle. Our activity plan takes you through the animating process step-by-step.

Activity plan – Animating nature through stop motion animation

Investigating and analysing changes to bird populations in Wales

As well as investigating what bird species are visiting their grounds, this activity encourages learners to consider both the human and environmental factors that are affecting bird populations. Analysis of bird population data allows for conclusions to be made as to whether individual populations are declining or increasing.

Activity plan - Investigating and analysing changes to bird populations in Wales
Resource cards - Investigating and analysing changes to bird populations in Wales

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