LIFE Quaking Bogs

The Project
Funded by EU LIFE and supported by Welsh Government, LIFEquake is a five-year project which aims to restore peatland, quaking bogs and their wider supporting wetland landscapes to favourable conservation status. Quaking bogs’ – so called because when conditions are right the ground ‘quakes’ underfoot.
Delivered in partnership by NRW, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Snowdonia National Park and the National Trust.
Peatland is the most valuable land resource in Wales as it stores 30% of land-based carbon. Covering about 4% of Wales, it is estimated that 90% of Welsh peatland is in a deteriorating condition and emitting greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change.
The habitat has been assessed as ‘unfavourable’ at all selected sites. Such conditions are often caused by the land being over-grazed by animals. In some cases, insufficient grazing has led to important plants being smothered by dominant or invasive species. Other factors affecting the sites are abandonment of land management, poor drainage and widespread pollution.
Seven LIFEquake project sites:
- Crymlyn Bog
- North West Pembrokeshire Commons
- Preseli
- Rhos Goch
- Corsydd Eifionydd
- Gweunydd Blaencleddau
- Cors Caron
Action we’re taking
The LIFEquake project will address poor water conditions on the seven sites by restoring historical drainage and flow regimes – in some cases bringing more water onto a bog, and in others removing it.
Over the lifetime of the project almost 65 km of fencing and other infrastructure will be installed across the sites which will allow the right levels of sustainable grazing to take place.
Mowing, scraping and excavation will take place to remove vegetation and undesirable invasive species currently smothering the important plants and mosses that create these ‘quaking bogs’.
Extensive stakeholder and community engagement will accompany the planned works to raise levels of understanding, appreciation and adoption of the techniques used to restore and maintain each of the sites.
Conservation work
Land management
We will address adverse hydrological conditions by restoring historical drainage across the locations, improving the water regimes responsible for the development of transition mire and quaking bog habitat.
Conservation management for the vulnerable marsh fritillary butterfly
We will control and remove invasive species harmful to the habitat to encourage population of the marsh fritillary butterfly.
The installation of almost 65km of fencing along with other infrastructure will further establish grazing on the sites and across the wider landscape of supporting wetland habitat to support the butterfly populations.
Futureproofing with shared findings
We will promote and disseminate the project findings by a programme of networking, and by the development and publication of a best practice management handbook for transition mires and quaking bogs.
Climate change mitigation
LIFEquake will address the adverse hydrological conditions at all seven sites and improving the aerial, surface, and groundwater nutrient regimes, including the development of Nitrogen Action will enable us to create a blueprint to reduce locally derived nitrogen emissions.
Engaging with our local community
The project will aim to raise understanding and appreciation amongst the public and local land managers (including farmers) and other stakeholders of the importance of transition mires, quaking bogs, marsh fritillary and associated SAC features and their conservation requirements.
Members of local communities will be invited and encouraged to volunteer across the seven sites. A school’s programme will be developed to educate young people about quaking bog and transition mire habitat restoration.
Outcomes of the project
- Restoration of transition mire and quaking bogs across all SACs in Wales
- Habitats and species moved towards favourable conservation status
- Mowing and biomass collection to reduce the dominance of problematic species and improved grazing
- Installation of further wetlands or other features
- Shared findings to improve future transition mire and quaking bog conservation
Learn more about our project
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Read our news and blogs
Quaking bogs get new lease of LIFE
LIFEquake Newsletter - Summer 2024
LIFEquake Newsletter - Spring 2024
LIFEquake Newsletter - Summer 2023
LIFEquake Project Newsletter Winter 2022/23
LIFEquake Project Newsletter Autumn 2022 (
Contact us
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The LIFEquake project (LIFE20 NAT/UK/000137) is funded by the EU LIFE programme and supported by Welsh Government.
Project delivered in partnership between Natural Resources Wales, Snowdonia National Park Authority, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and National Trust. The project which started in January 2022, will run until December 2026