Hefty fine for man caught with salmon up his sleeve

A Port Talbot man who admitted taking a salmon caught using illegal tackle has been ordered to pay a total of £2580 at Llanelli Magistrates Court.
On 30 July 2023, a member of the Llandysul Angling Association (LAA) saw Stephen Samuel, of Cwmavon, Port Talbot, killing and taking a salmon from their fishery on the River Teifi.
The LAA member reported the incident to Dyfed Powys Police, who in turn contacted a Natural Resources Wales (NRW) enforcement officer who went to the river and apprehended Samuel with the assistance of an LAA member and a voluntary LAA water bailiff.
Samuel was seen by an LAA member acting in a suspicious manner when walking away from the river. Despite the heavy rain, Samuel was only wearing a t-shirt but carrying a rain jacket over his shoulder.
When confronting Samuel, the LAA member saw the head of a salmon protruding from the arm of the jacket where it had been hidden to avoid detection.
The NRW officer arrived at the scene a short while later and informed Samuel that he would be reported for the offences put against him.
He was reported for four offences, where three were contravening the Wales rod and line (Salmon and Sewin Sea Trout) Byelaws 2017, namely the compulsory catch and release of salmon, using barbed hooks and using treble hooks. He was also reported for an offence taken from The Salmon Act 1968 for handling salmon under suspicious circumstances.
While under caution, Samuel admitted he was fully aware that it was illegal to keep any salmon caught in Welsh rivers and of the ban on using treble hooks on spinning baits and the use of barbed hooks while fishing for migratory fish such as salmon and sea trout.
In mitigation, Samuel told the officer he thought the salmon was a sea trout but it was put to him that the fish was still relatively fresh from open seas and, having just been caught, it retained the characteristics that clearly distinguish the two species, which were visible even to an inexperienced angler.
Samuel also said he was fully aware that all sea trout over 60cm in length must be returned to the river, but he still deliberately attempted to conceal the 79cm salmon inside his jacket knowing it was illegal to do so.
Samuel had deliberately used a large spinning bait with a barbed treble hook and when the fish was examined by the officer, the lure was still lodged deep in its throat and gill rackers . While trying and being unable to dislodge the barbed hook, Samuel caused severe blood loss and gill damage, which resulted in the death of the fish.
Samuel was fined £621, reduced to £414 for an early guilty plea, he was ordered to pay NRW costs of £2,000 and a Victim Surcharge of £166. In addition, the Magistrates authorised a confiscation order for all of his fishing tackle used in the offence.
NRW Enforcement Officer Mark Thomas said:
“We hope that penalties like this will serve as a deterrent to those people who jeopardise the future sustainability of our rivers and the enjoyment of the vast majority of anglers who fish legally and responsibly.
“NRW officers will not hesitate to take enforcement action against the small minority of anglers who commit these types of offences.
“I would like to thank Dyfed Powys Police for their continued assistance with these cases and also the members and committee from Llandysul Angling Association for their continued help in protecting the River Teifi.
“Our officers routinely carry out random rod licence checks, and reports of illegal angling and we ask anyone with information about any illegal fishing to contact NRW on our 24/7 hotline number - 03000 65 3000.”
Anglers aged 13 or over need a rod licence to fish for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eel in Wales or England.
Concessions are available for senior and disabled anglers, while junior licences for 13 to 16-year-olds are free but young anglers do need to register.
Income generated by rod licences helps to protect and improve fisheries and facilities for anglers. Fishing without a valid rod licence is illegal and could result in a criminal conviction and a fine.
For more information on purchasing a rod licence visit:
Natural Resources Wales / Search / rod licence
For more information on fishing in Wales visit
Fishing In Wales | The official website for Welsh angling (fishingwales.net)
For more information on fishing and fisheries byelaws visit