2025 Board meetings dates, agendas and minutes

All meeting attendees should be aware that NRW Board meetings that are held in public are recorded by NRW. Additionally, any members of the public attending the public meetings of the Board may also film/record these meetings.


Any filming or recording could, therefore, contain video streams, including images of participants, audio streams, including voices of participants, and the contents of their contributions and the contents of the chat function. Even where a meeting attendee does not show their image using their camera or use their microphone, their name and other details attributable to them may be captured within any recording.


NRW records its Board meetings held in public in order to assist with the preparation of the minutes of the meetings. Recordings are deleted as soon as the minutes are confirmed. NRW stores this information in line with relevant legal and best practice requirements on the storage of data.


Meeting attendees and participants should be aware that any member of the public who records these meetings, may choose to share those recordings more widely. In those circumstances, it is the responsibility of the individual making the recording of the meeting to ensure compliance with relevant legal requirements relating to data, including, but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 (GDPR).

Board meeting dates – 2025

A number of Board meetings are held in public. For these meetings we publish the agenda and papers considered in these meetings. These are published on our website here one week ahead of the meeting. We also publish the minutes once they have been confirmed at the following meetings.

The public and stakeholders are welcome to observe these meetings. If you wish to attend a meeting or require further information, please contact the Board Secretariat.

NRW Board Meetings

NRW are reviewing how they engage with the public via the Board meetings but members of the public are welcome to observe the public meeting via Teams and engage in the Q&A session. They will need to use the latest version of their web browser, to facilitate full functionality during the meeting i.e. Edge or Chrome is recommended, Internet explorer cannot be used as this will cause issues with the functionality of Teams.

We welcome the use of Welsh and English at our meetings. Simultaneous translation service from Welsh to English will be available at all open public meetings.

  • Thursday 23 January
  • Wednesday 19 – Thursday 20 March
  • Wednesday 21 – Thursday 22 May
  • Wednesday 16 July
  • Wednesday 8 – Thursday 9 October
  • Wednesday 26 November
Last updated 17 Jan 2025