Results for "Woodland Management"

Showing results 21 - 26 of 26 Sort by date
  • Grants for planting trees and creating woodlands

    There are many grants available for woodland creation. You can use the grants to help you plan and develop your new woodland. The grants are available throughout the year.

  • Ancient woodlands

    There are several unique types of woodland and Wales has a special responsibility to preserve them and the wildlife which thrives in them.

  • Woodlands and forests

    Apply for a felling licence. Get help to plant trees or manage your woodland. Buy and sell timber

  • Short-term timber sales

    Information on small roundwood, hardwood, niche market and firewood contracts offered on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate.

  • Apply for a harvesting contract

    Find out about the tender process for harvesting contracts on the Welsh Government Woodland Estate.

  • Woodland wildlife

    The woodlands and forests that we look after are great places to go wildlife spotting