Charges for waste permits

What we will charge you for a new, changed, transferred, deployed, cancelled or surrendered waste permit.

New waste standard rules permit

Waste standard rules permits are £1,893 except for:

  • mobile plant - £1,323
  • landfill gas facility - £4,772
  • mining waste - £1,027
  • if it includes a location assessment - £4,772

This is the base charge for assessing your application. You will pay additional fees for us to review any plans and assessments.

New waste bespoke permit

The base charge for a bespoke waste permit is £10,011.

You will pay additional fees for us to review any plans and assessments required to support your permit application. This will depend on

You can apply for more than one waste activity on one permit application.

We will charge the base rate for the most complex activity as well as charges for additional plans and assessments. The additional plans and assessments must cover all of the site's activities. We will charge additional activities at 20% of the base charge.

Charges for reviewing plans and assessments

  • Commercial confidentiality assessment - £717
  • Noise impact assessment and noise management plan - £2,425
  • Dust and emissions management plan - £861
  • Odour management plan - £1,619
  • Fire prevention and mitigation plan - £2,343
  • Pest management plan - £460
  • Waste recovery plan - £1,734
  • Water Framework Directive assessment of process effluent - £3,222
  • Discharge to water - £390
  • Bioaerosol risk assessment - £3,715
  • Assessment/ documentation of other protected sites - £201
  • Site of Special Scientific Interest Assessment - £306
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment - £2,520
  • Other landfill assessments (e.g. hydrogeological, landfill gas management, financial provision) - charged an hourly rate for time and materials which will vary between applications as they depend on the unique situation of each site. You will be invoiced in arrears.

Changing a permit

Administrative changes

You can apply to make an administrative change to your standard rules or bespoke waste permit.

These are changes which mean we do not need to carry out a technical assessment of your application, or consult on it.

Examples include:

  • a change in a name and address where there has been no change in legal entity
  • correcting an error

The charge is £717.

Adding a standard rule to a standard rule permit

You can apply to add one or more standard rule to your standard rule permit.

Each standard rule costs  £1,893 except for:

  • mobile plant - £1,323
  • landfill gas facility - £4,772
  • mining waste - £1,027
  • if it includes a location assessment - £4,772

This is the base charge for assessing your application. You will pay additional fees for us to review any plans and assessments.

Increasing the area of a standard rules permit

This is a minor technical change: £2,888.

Consolidating permits

If you have more than one environmental permit at the same location, you can apply to consolidate your permit.

Consolidating your permit can mean:

  • combining the original permit and all subsequent changes into a single document (modern permit), or
  • combining two or more environmental permits for the same operator and site into a single permit

In both cases we may require additional information from you about, for example your management system. You should talk to us before you submit any application to consolidate permits.

Minor technical changes to your bespoke permit

You can apply to make minor technical change to your bespoke waste permit, for example:

1. Adding an emission point where we do not have to carry out a technical assessment or removing an emission point as the result of the removal of an item of plant providing the removal of the plant does not require technical assessment.

2. Changes solely to the list of wastes the facility is permitted to accept, provided the change would not alter the nature of the facility’s operation or increase the environmental risk posed. We will accept up to 15 waste type changes in one variation application, except for permanent deposit of waste to land for recovery, which is limited to a maximum of three waste types.

3. Introduction of a new product, trial or non-exempt research and development activity except where the emissions or techniques are complex or novel or where complex modelling is required.

4. Revising an improvement condition following an improvement condition response.

5. Changing or setting limits following improvement conditions or other information that was not technically assessed during permit determination.

6. Changing reporting requirements.

7. Increases to annual throughput only or storage capacities only or previously authorised materials only.

We charge £2,888 for a minor technical change to your bespoke permit.

Normal changes to your bespoke permit

Variations that are not administrative or minor technical are 'normal'.

Increasing the area of a bespoke permit is a normal variation.

The charge for a normal change is £8,308


  • Waste standard rules permit - £1,858
  • Full bespoke transfer - £3,211
  • Part bespoke transfer - £4,937


The charges apply to both standard rules and bespoke waste permits.

  • Full basic - £1,617
  • Part basic - £2,572
  • Full low risk - £4,586
  • Part low risk - £5,606
  • Full normal - £5,491
  • Part normal - £6,511
  • Full non-operational - £1,188
  • Part non-operational - £2,319

Surrender types are described in our charging scheme.

Deploying a mobile plant permit

  • Waste spread to land for recovery
    • high risk - £1,929
    • medium risk - £1,640
    • low risk - £1,494
  • Land remediation - £2,074
  • Waste treatment - £1,349

Deployment risk levels are described in our charging scheme.

If your application does not have enough detail

If your application does not include enough detail for us to progress it, it will fail to meet the 'duly making' test.

We will refund the charge you paid minus:

36% of a standard rules permit charge

24% of a bespoke permit charge

If the time it takes for us to determine your application goes beyond 150% of the standard time, we will charge for time and materials.

We will invoice you in arrears. We expect this situation to be exceptional.

The charging scheme

Read the full charging scheme for all permits covered by Environmental Permitting Regulations.

Last updated