Great crested newt licences for surveys and conservation work

You will need a licence if you plan to carry out any kind of survey, research or conservation work if you want to:

  • carry out any kind of research or surveying work
  • disturb or handle great crested newts
  • damage or obstruct access to a breeding or resting place

Apply for a survey licence

If you want to apply for a survey licence and have not had one before, you will need to show that you have the necessary training and experience. You will need to submit your completed survey and conservation licence application form.

Reference form

If you have not held a relevant licence from us before, your application must include a reference form.

Referees must be:

  • able to comment on their experience of working with the relevant species
  • their ability to use the methods and equipment proposed within your licence application
  • qualified themselves and must have held a relevant licence before
  • must have experience of your work for at least one survey season

We can only accept one reference from the company you currently work for. We may contact your referees to verify their statements.

Apply for a research project licence

We can issue licences for advanced survey and marking techniques, including:

  • radio-tracking tags
  • mico-chipping

Licences will be issued for specific sites and are for a limited period. Licensing these more invasive techniques requires a detailed scientific project method statement.

If you have not previously held a licence for the activities, methods or techniques requested, you will need to demonstrate appropriate training and considerable experience before a licence may be issued.

Who can apply for a licence

Find out who can apply for a protected species licence

Renew your licence and report on your activities

If you want to renew your licence or report on the activities you have carried out under your licence, you will need to complete the survey licence reporting and renewal application form.

Amend your licence

You can ask for amendments to your licence using the relevant forms.

Amendment request form
Change of licensee
Change of ecologist form

Contact us

You can contact us for help at any time before or during your licence application.

Last updated