Great crested newt licences for development, infrastructure, or maintenance work

If you are carrying out development, infrastructure, or maintenance work, you will need a species development licence for work affecting great crested newts or their resting places.

What to include in your application

Your application will also need to include:

  • Your application form
  • our method statement template for great crested newts
  • a location map (ideally 1:10.000 scale) showing the area where the problem is occurring 
  • detailed plans and drawings of existing sites and proposed works
  • a species survey report
  • evidence to support the purpose of the work
  • copies of any permissions or consents associated with the application
  • any relevant correspondence if the work falls within or near a designated site
  • a habitat regulations assessment, if applicable

The great crested newt survey report

You will need to employ an ecologist to carry out a survey for you. The ecologist should carry out the survey following the great crested newt mitigation guidance.

The ecologist should provide a written report of the results of the assessment to show that you have taken great crested newts into account in planning the work.

You must carry out surveys of breeding ponds for the presence of newts at the right time of the year.

The report should include:

  • who carried out the survey
  • when the survey work was carried out
  • a methodology detailing how the survey work was carried out
  • detailed results and conclusions from the survey
  • if any further survey work is recommended
  • an assessment of the impacts
  • details of recommendations to avoid, reduce and mitigate the impacts
  • recommendations of when and how the building work should be undertaken
  • any monitoring that should be done after completion of the work

The report forms the basis for the method statement that needs to be submitted as part of the licence application.

Who can apply for a licence

Find out who can apply for a protected species licence

Reference form

If you have not held a relevant licence from us before, your application must include a reference form.

Referees must be:

  • able to comment on their experience of working with the relevant species
  • their ability to use the methods and equipment proposed within your licence application
  • qualified themselves and must have held a relevant licence before
  • must have experience of your work for at least one survey season

We can only accept one reference from the company you currently work for. We may contact your referees to verify their statements.

Report your actions under a licence

You must complete the development licence report form four weeks after the licence is due to expire.

You may be asked to submit an ecological compliance audit form if you're proposing a large development scheme, or a scheme that has a higher risk for protected species. These requirements will be a condition of your licence.

An appropriate monitoring scheme may also be a condition and results must be submitted using the licence monitoring report form.

Amend your licence

You can ask for amendments to your licence using the relevant forms.

Amendment request form
Change of licensee
Change of ecologist form

Contact us

You can contact us for help at any time before or during your licence application.

Last updated