Castle Cement Limited - Padeswood Cement Works, Padeswood, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 4HB

We’ve received an application to vary an environmental permit from Castle Cement Limited

Substantial variation to an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016

Application number: PAN-026621
Regulated facility type: Installation - Section 3.1: Production of cement and lime - Part A (1)(a) Producing cement clinker in a rotary kiln with a production capacity exceeding 500 tonnes per day. Plus other regulated activities related to cement manufacture as detailed on the existing permit.
Regulated facility location: Padeswood Cement Works, Padeswood, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 4HB

The variation application main purpose is to add a new installation activity to the permit – a post-combustion carbon dioxide capture plant (Section 6.10: Carbon capture and storage- Part A(1)(a) Capture of carbon dioxide streams from an installation for the purposes of geological storage pursuant to Directive 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the geological storage of carbon dioxide). The variation application includes addition of this activity which would serve the kiln, plus other associated changes to the regulated facility including (but not limited to): addition of an integrated natural gas fired combined heat and power (CHP) combustion plant >50MWth to provide energy for the process, and modifications / upgrades to both the cement kiln and its air emissions abatement plant in order to allow the integration of the carbon capture process. The proposed carbon capture plant would reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions from cement manufacturing by separating the carbon dioxide for compression, purification and transportation off site for geological storage.

The application contains a description of how the proposed changes will affect the installation; the materials, substances and energy it will use and generate; the conditions of its site; the source, nature and quantity of its foreseeable emissions and their potential impact, the proposed techniques for preventing, reducing, and monitoring its emissions and preventing and recovering waste; and an outline of the main alternatives, if any, considered

You can see the application documents free of charge, from our Public register - Customer Portal - PAN-026621. Or you can request a copy of the information from us. This may take time to process and there could be a charge.

If you have any comments send these by 26 March 2025


Or write to:

Permitting Service
Natural Resources Wales
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ

We must decide whether to grant or refuse the application. If we grant it, we must decide what conditions to include in the permit. You can find information about how we make decisions in our Public Participation Statement.

Last updated