Calculate releases from poultry and pig farms: examples
Change of poultry type or number reared
Use this formula to calculate release when the number and/or type of animal you reared changed during the year
((N x F) x M/12) + ((n x F) x M⁄12) = emissions in kg
N = number of livestock
n = new number of livestock
F = relevant emission factor
M = months applicable
A broiler farm has 50,000 birds for the first five months of the year and 100,000 birds for the remaining seven months. The ammonia emission factor for broilers is 0.034. The ammonia calculation would be:
((50,000 x 0.034) x5/12) + ((100,000 x 0.034) x 7/12) = 2692kg
Ammonia releases from poultry
Multiply the number of birds by the relevant emission factor
Example 1 - Poultry broilers
50,000 broiler places x emission factor of 0.034 = release of 1,700kg
Example 2 – Poultry layers (manure removal twice a week by manure belt)
20,000 layer places x emission factor of 0.035 = 700kg
If manure is stored on site after removal from the housing, ammonia releases from this must also be reported
So, if 17 tonnes of manure are removed on a belt system,
17 x emission factor of 2.38 = 40.5kg
The total release in this example would be 700 + 40.5 = 740.5kg
Particulate (dust) releases from poultry
Multiply the number of birds by the relevant emission factor
An installation with 50,000 layers in cages
(50,000 x emission factor of 0.05) ÷ 3 = 833kg
Methane releases from poultry
Multiply the number of birds by the relevant emission factor
50,000 broilers x emission factor for poultry manure management of 0.078 = 3900kg
Change of pig type or number reared
Use this formula to calculate release when the number and / or type of animal you rear changed during the year
((N x F) x M/12) + ((n x F) x M/12) = emissions in kg
N = number of livestock
n = new number of livestock
F = relevant emission factor
M = months applicable
An installation has 800 sows for the first five months of the year and 1000 sows for the remaining seven months. The ammonia emission factor for sows on straw is 4.57.
The ammonia calculation would be:
((800 x 4.57) x 5/12) + ((1000 x 4.57) x 7/12) = 4189kg
Ammonia releases from pigs
Example - Pig housing
A farm which used places for 800 sows and 1500 finishers on straw in the calendar year
(800 x emission factor of 4.57) + (1500 x emission factor of 2.97)
= total release of 8111kg
If manure or slurry is stored within the boundary of the installation, releases from this need to be added to the housing releases
So, for a 43m2 slurry lagoon without a cover,
add (43 x emission factor of 1.4) = 60.2 kg
Total emission from housing and manure storage = 8111 + 60.2 = 8171.2kg
Methane releases from pigs
You will need to report methane from the pigs themselves (enteric fermentation), and from manure storage.
An installation with 800 sows
(800 x emission factor for enteric fermentation of 1.5) = 1200kg
(800 x emission factor for manure management of 3) = 2400kg
Total emission = 3600kg