The natural resource registers are an important part of SoNaRR2020.

The registers set out:

  • The pressures and impacts of Wales’s use of natural resources, within Wales and globally
  • The SMNR assessments by broad ecosystem
  • The opportunities for action

An evidence list is provided ahead of the publication of the ecosystem and cross-cutting theme chapters in March 2021.

Below are the key findings of the natural resource registers within two interactive infographics.

Watch our video for a demonstration of the interactive infographics: SoNaRR2020 A more accessible report

Key pressures and impacts

Explore the interactive infographic below by clicking on one of the listed key pressures.

Click on a highlighted segment to read more about what is driving that pressure and what its impacts are within a specific ecosystem.

Each pressure can impact more than one ecosystem.

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Opportunities for action

Explore the interactive infographic below by clicking on one of the listed Opportunities for Action.

Click on a highlighted segment to read more detail about what opportunities for action are present within a specific ecosystem to help achieve one of the aims of SMNR.

Each opportunity could help achieve more than one of the aims of SMNR and the corresponding action could be taken in more than one ecosystem.

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Document downloads

For the full natural resource registers please use the links below:









Last updated