SoNaRR interim report 2019: Four measures of sustainable management of natural resources

1. Natural resources are safeguarded and enhanced

Tackling overexploitation to ensure that stocks of renewable natural resources are safeguarded and enhanced to meet the needs of current and future generations.

Stocks of non-renewable natural resources are used in a sustainable manner and, where depletion is unavoidable, that substitutes are put in place to meet future needs.

2. Ecosystems are resilient to expected and unforeseen change

Building ecosystem resilience to safeguard and enhance supporting ecosystem services and tackling the impacts of habitat change, climate change, pollution, invasive alien species and other identified pressures will protect the supply of supporting ecosystem services.

3. Wales has healthy places for people, protected from environmental risks

Environmental management and regulation protects people from risks, such as air, water and noise pollution, and flooding.

Regulating and cultural ecosystem services are managed to increase wellbeing and provide a healthy environment for all.

4. Contributing to a circular economy with more efficient use of natural resources

Reducing the environmental impact of production and consumption and our environmental footprint within Wales and internationally, while optimising benefits of provisioning ecosystem services.

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