4 |
Bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise monitoring in Cardigan Bay and Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau Special Areas of Conservation 2011 - 2013 |
5 |
MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2013 |
26 |
Assessing the socio-economic benefits of marine protected areas |
35 |
A process for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries management in Wales: a literature review |
36 |
The ecosystem approach in action: global case studies, good practice and lessons learned |
49 |
The reproduction and connectivity of Sabellaria alveolata reefs in Wales |
50 |
MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2014 |
55 |
Intertidal SAC monitoring Zostera noltii at Angle Bay, Pembrokeshire marine SAC, 2013 |
57 |
Cardigan Bay SAC, Intertidal Sabellaria reef monitoring, 2007-2019 |
58 |
Intertidal monitoring, Pen Llyn a’r Sarnau SAC August 2013 |
59 |
Intertidal monitoring of rocky reefs, Pembrokeshire marine SAC. Population trends for selected species 2005 to 2014 |
63 |
Wales intertidal SAC feature assessment summary 2004-2017 |
64 |
Intertidal SAC monitoring of Zostera marina at Porth Dinllaen, Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau SAC, 2016 |
65 |
Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2014 |
66 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2014 |
67 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Nudibranch diversity survey 2014 |
68 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone. Distribution & abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2014 |
69 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2014 |
70 |
Skomer Marine Nature Reserve annual report 2013 |
71 |
Skomer seal report 2013 |
72 |
Skomer Marine Nature Reserve project status report 2013 |
75 |
Across-Wales intertidal SAC monitoring, Pen Llyn a’r Sarnau SAC August 2014 |
80 |
National seascape assessment for Wales |
81 |
Impacts of bait digging on the Gann: an evidence review |
82 |
Guidance to inform marine mammal site characterisation requirements at wave and tidal stream energy sites in Wales |
83 |
** Report on marine benthic data collected and collated by CCW/NRW between 2011 and 2014 |
144 |
Analysis of inshore Vessel Monitoring System data from scallop vessels fishing in Welsh waters between 2012 and 2015 |
147 |
Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2015 |
148 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2015 |
149 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2015 |
150 |
Modelling sensitivity of seabed habitats to combined fishing effects |
155 |
Temporal trends and phenology in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup counts at Marloes Peninsula, Wales |
156 |
Grey seal pupping phenology on Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire |
158 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone distribution and abundance of Echinus esculentus and selected starfish species 2015 |
159 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone sponge diversity survey 2015 |
161 |
MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2015 |
191 |
Bottlenose Dolphin Monitoring in Cardigan Bay 2014 - 2016
Appendix 2
194 |
Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2016 |
195 |
Skomer MCZ grey seal survey, Marloes Peninsula 1992-2016 |
196 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone scallop survey 2016 |
197 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2016 |
198 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2016 |
205 |
MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2016 |
206 |
NRW 2016 North Anglesey INNS and Sabellaria video and still image analysis |
208 |
Advice to inform development of guidance on marine, coastal and estuarine physical processes numerical modelling assessments |
215 |
NRW Rhiannon Modiolus survey 2015: video and still image analysis |
217 |
Temporal trends and phenology in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pup counts at Skomer, Wales |
226 |
Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
227 |
Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
228 |
Cemlyn Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
229 |
Dee Estuary Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
231 |
Limestone coast of south west Wales Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
232 |
Menai Strait and Conwy Bay Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
233 |
Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
234 |
Lleyn Peninsula and the Sarnau Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
235 |
Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation: Indicative site level feature condition assessments 2018 |
243 |
Guidance on Best Practice for Marine and Coastal Physical Processes Baseline Survey and Monitoring Requirements to inform EIA of Major Development Projects
250 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone annual report 2017 |
251 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status 2017-18 |
252 |
Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2017 |
256 |
MarClim annual Welsh intertidal climate monitoring survey 2017 |
261 |
Rissos dolphins of Ynys Enlli Bardsey Island photo-ID catalogue |
274 |
Review and tidal energy test facility and marine mammals case study
280 |
EIRPHOT: A critical assessment of Wales’ grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) photo-identification database
293 |
Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus) Pup Production and Distribution in North Wales during 2017
301 |
Menai Strait and Conwy Bay SAC intertidal monitoring summary, 2010 to 2017
308 |
Wales National Marine Plan: Identifying opportunities to deliver environmental benefits through plan development |
309 |
Bae Cemlyn / Cemlyn Bay Special Area of Conservation : Updated indicative site level feature condition assessment November 2018 |
321 |
Grey Seal Breeding Census - Skomer Island 2018 |
322 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Distribution & Abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2018 |
323 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone - anuual report 2018 |
324 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2018-2019 |
325 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone - Nudibranch Diversity Survey 2018 |
345 |
MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2018 |
350 |
Assessing sensitivity of Welsh Marine SAC and SPA features to non-licensable activities |
351 |
Mapping Recreational Anchoring, Mooring and Launching in Wales |
352 |
Developing an approach to determining foot access intensity on the Welsh intertidal zone |
357 |
Supporting the implementation of the Welsh National Marine Plan: Enhancing marine ecosystems |
358 |
UK West Coast Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Strandings |
397 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2019-2020 |
398 |
Skomer Annual Report 2019 |
400 |
Skomer MCZ Distribution and abundance of Echinus esculentus and selected starfish species 2019
401 |
Findings of drop down video and stills imagery from an area of drumlins off northwest Anglesey, July 2019
416 |
Menai Strait and Conwy Bay SAC intertidal tide-swept boulder monitoring 2007-2019
417 |
Pembrokeshire Marine SAC intertidal rocky shore monitoring. Analysing changes and trends 2005 to 2019
420 |
Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries SAC, Trevayne rockpool monitoring, 2015-2019
428 |
Estimating the Carbon Sink Potential of the Welsh Marine Environment
435 |
Advice on locations where Coastal Adaptation measures may affect Coastal Access over the lifetime of the Shoreline Management Plans
444 |
Review of potential collision between tidal stream devices and marine animals
448 |
Underwater acoustic surveys: Review of source characteristics, impacts on marine species, current regulatory framework and recommendations for potential management options (PDF)
Download in Word format
449 |
Investigating the location and intensity of bait digging in Wales
450 |
Impacts of Bait Digging on the Gann: Analysis of Monitoring Data
454 |
Assessing the impact of key Marine Invasive Non-Native Species on Welsh MPA habitat features, fisheries and aquaculture
455 |
Assessment of the impacts of recreational sea angling in Wales
459 |
Welsh Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Pathways Assessment
460 |
Skomer MCZ Sponge diversity survey 2019
467 |
MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2019
468 |
Skomer MCZ Commercial pot fishing activity mapping 1989 to 2019
528 |
Rumney Great Wharf Saltmarsh Restoration / Enhancement Feasibility and Preferred Option Studies
529 |
Review and recommendations on assessment of noise disturbance for marine mammals
535 |
Grey Seal Breeding Census Skomer Island 2020
552 |
Feasibility Study of Methods to Collect Data on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Diadromous Fish in Welsh Waters.
553 |
Acoustic tracking in Wales – designing a programme to evaluate Marine Renewable Energy impacts on Diadromous fish.
554 |
Restoring marine and coastal habitats in Wales: identifying spatial opportunities and benefits
556 |
Identifying areas of Welsh seabed potentially vulnerable to anchoring, mooring and launching
558 |
Assessment of the current status of Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla in Wales
563 |
MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2020
573 |
Hand harvesting of seaweed: Evidence review to support sustainable management
575 |
North West Anglesey Survey of Possible Horse Mussel Bed Areas (2009 and 2010)
582 |
Across Wales intertidal SAC monitoring, Pen Llŷn a’r Sarnau SAC 2015 - 2019
588 |
Grey seal breeding census Skomer Island 2021
589 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone project status report 2021
590 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Annual Report 2021
601 |
MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2021
602 |
Bait digging management options
603 |
Bait digging evidence collection - methodology review
606 |
Seaweed farming and blue carbon: an evidence review to support sustainable management in Wales
624 |
Advice on Physical Processes for Small-scale Marine and Coastal Projects
630 |
Understanding how management of the Welsh MPA network can contribute to the protection and enhancement of blue carbon
631 |
The Blue Carbon Potential of the Marine Protected Area Network in Wales
633 |
Ocean Literacy in Wales: Headline Findings Report
635 |
A reanalysis of historical population estimates of breeding European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus on Skokholm Island, Wales
646 |
Modelled Distributions and Abundance of Cetaceans and Seabirds of Wales and Surrounding Waters
652 |
Ocean Literacy in Wales: Headline Findings Report
653 |
Grey Seal Breeding Census, Skomer Island 2022
654 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Nudibranch Diversity Survey 2022
655 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone, Scallop Survey 2022
656 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Project Status Report 2022
657 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Annual Report 2022/23
661 |
Marine and coastal environments and well-being: a summary of the evidence base
663 |
Menai Strait and Conwy Bay SAC tide-swept Fucus serratus monitoring 2009-2019
673 |
Investigating the impact of landfill sites at the coast on Marine Protected Area features in Wales
713 |
Weather data collected at Welsh sand dune sites
742 |
West Anglesey fragile sponge and anthozoan communities dive survey, 2023: final report
747 |
National Vegetation Classification Survey of selected areas of the Dee Estuary 2022
748 |
MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2022
750 |
Grey Seal Breeding Census Skomer Island 2023
751 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Annual Report 2023/24
752 |
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Project Status Report 2023
753 |
754 |
756 |
787 |
789 |