Benefits of nature based solutions

This information is part of our Corporate Plan to 2030

How nature-based solutions can bring wider benefits for nature, for climate and for people.

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Peatland restoration

Benefits for nature of peatland restoration

Habitat improvement will help birds like golden plover, curlew, hen harriers and dunlin

Improved habitat will filter airborne pollution and improve river water quality

More reliable water supply for freshwater habitats


Benefits for climate action of peatland restoration 

Healthy peatland keeps carbon locked up in soil

Reduced risk of erosion and loss of soil

Rewetting of peatland and revegetation of bare moore means reduced risk of wildfires


Benefits for people of peatland restoration

Improved quality of water supply and less treatment needed to clean up discoloured water

Alleviation of flooding to properties downstream

Sustainable livestock production produces food and fibre (wool)

Hill walking and tourism in iconic upland landscapes like national parks 

Woodland creation and restoration

Benefits for nature of woodland creation and restoration

Woodland creation and restoration leads to better ecosystem connectivity

Increased biodiversity such as bats, dormice and birds like the pied flycatcher and redstart

Improved water availability and nutrient cycling adds to soil biodiversity to support ecosystem function


Benefits for climate of woodland creation and restoration  

Carbon storage in new woodland

Cooling along river corridors – important for freshwater habitat

Timber building materials substituting for high carbon ones


Benefits for people of woodland creation and restoration

Slowing the flow – good for drought and flood alleviation

Sense of place and recreational opportunities deliver physical and mental well-being benefits

Woods near urban areas reduce noise and air pollution

Sustainable economic activity using timber products


Coastal and marine habitat restoration

Benefits for nature of coastal and marine habitat restoration

Seagrass meadows and kelp forests will store more carbon and provide habitats for species like seahorses and otters

Improved coastal water quality for wildlife

Managed realignment benefits wading birds like ringed plover, redshanks and oyster catchers


Benefits for climate of coastal and marine habitat restoration

Increased carbon storage in seagrass and kelp

Managed retreat helps adaptation to climate change

Increased flooding alleviated by saltmarshes, dunes and seagrass


Benefits for people of coastal and marine habitat restoration

Reduced risk of flooding of coastal properties

Managed realignment and restoration of saltmarshes provides livestock grazing

Coastal recreation and tourism

Improved fisheries deliver economic benefits


Semi-natural grassland restoration

Benefits for nature of semi-natural grassland restoration

Reducing runoff of polluted water protects freshwater and marine habitats and species

Benefits for soil biodiversity, bees, butterflies, small mammals and birds

Better management will help with control of Invasive species like Himalayan balsam


Benefits for climate of semi-natural grassland restoration

Habitat regeneration reduces risk of wildfires

Greater plant species diversity helps greater carbon storage

Increased carbon storage particularly in in acid grasslands


Benefits for people of semi-natural grassland restoration

More reliable supply of drinking water

Reduced risk of flooding

Improved soil quality benefits farming

Livestock production – food and fibre (wool)


Integrated catchment management 

Benefits for nature of integrated catchment management

River restoration to ‘slow the flow’ will benefit salmon, trout, water voles, frogs, toads, and newts​

Wetlands, such as floodplain meadows, support amphibians and reptiles and wading birds such as Curlew and Lapwing​

Habitat regeneration leads to improved air quality


Benefits for climate of integrated catchment management

Slowing the flow of water through the catchment reduces risk of erosion

Cooling along river corridors benefits freshwater biodiversity

Increased ecosystem connectivity helps adaptation to climate change


Benefits for people of integrated catchment management

Improved quality of water supply

Reduced risk of drought and loss of water supply for people

Reduced risk of river flooding to properties

Improved recreation such as angling


Urban green infrastructure

Benefits for nature of urban green infrastructure

Developments built with wildlife such as swifts and bats in mind​

Improved quality of freshwater habitat

Altered management of gardens, parks and verges benefits birds, bees, insects and butterflies


Benefits for climate of urban green infrastructure

Green infrastructure reduces stormwater runoff and urban flooding

Sustainable urban drainage systems incorporated in new development

Urban cooling from trees, parks and green roofs


Benefits for people of urban green infrastructure

Sustainable urban drainage reduces risk of flooding to properties

Improved access to greenspace brings physical and mental well-being benefits

Improved air and water quality brings human health benefits

Regeneration attracts inward investment

Last updated