Welsh forestry businesses urged to respond to consultation on vital timber sales marketing plan
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is encouraging individual businesses in the Welsh forestry sector to have their say on proposals that could decide how the body sells timber for the next five years.
NRW is seeking the views of the sector on proposals that could inform the upcoming Timber Sales and Marketing Plan in an online consultation. NRW staff will then use the proposals and feedback from the consultation to inform the development of the plan.
Neil Stoddart, NRW’s Sales and Marketing Manager said: “I know that a re-vamped Timber Sales and Marketing Plan is something that many in the industry have wanted for a long time and have wanted to have their say on.
“Now is the chance to do exactly that. The Timber Sales and Marketing Plan will be a vital policy document for NRW and will dictate how we sell and market timber for the next five years.
“While we encourage and welcome responses from representative bodies to this consultation, we are also urging individual forestry businesses to ensure their views are represented and encourage them to respond and reflect their own business needs.
“NRW manages forests provide approximately 60% of the sustainable timber produced in Wales every year, and this road map for how we manage the sale of this important product is sure to have an impact on the sector. We want to make sure that Welsh forestry and wood processing businesses play a strong part in the process of putting the plan together.”
The consultation was launched in September and will close on 3 November 2020. The consultation and supporting information are available online.
If respondents need to discuss any aspect of the consultation, Neil Stoddart can be contacted via neil.stoddart@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk.