Tyre tagging pilot scheme to tackle Newport fly-tipping problem

A new initiative to reduce fly-tipping of waste tyres and its impact on the environment is being launched by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in partnership with Newport City Council.
Adrian Evans, NRW’s Tackling Waste Crime Advisor, said:
“The Newport Tyre Tagging scheme, which launches today (Tuesday, February 22), will provide an opportunity for garages, tyre fitters and any other business that handle waste tyres to sign up to the scheme which will make it harder for tyres to be illegally dumped.
“The aim of the scheme is to stop tyres ending up in the hands of unscrupulous operators which can happen because waste tyres are expensive to dispose of correctly.
“Criminals can capitalise on this by taking your money and then dumping the tyres in our environment. This not only makes it more difficult for legitimate businesses to operate but damages our precious environment."
Businesses who join the scheme will receive:
- Membership of the tyre tagging scheme supported by Natural Resources Wales, Newport City Council, Gwent Police and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Fly Tipping Action Wales, and the wider Safer Newport Partnership
- Publicity materials to use in store and online
- A pack of tyre marking crayons
- Advice and guidance from our experts on safely disposing of your tyres
Councillor Roger Jeavons, Deputy Leader and cabinet member for city services at Newport City Council said:
“Tyres will be marked with a tyre crayon so that they are easily identifiable, making it harder for criminals to illegally dispose of them.
“We will be offering business the chance to sign up for the scheme and they will receive free publicity materials, so their customers are assured that waste tyres are disposed of in the proper way.”
Councillor Ray Truman, cabinet member for licensing and regulation, added:
“Our officers will also be carrying out follow up visits to all commercial businesses involved with the handling of waste tyres, who aren’t registered with the scheme to check they are correctly disposing of such waste in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1991.
“We would encourage members of the public to report any unusual activity regarding the disposal of tyres to enable us to investigate. This can be done by reporting on the council website or by calling 01633 656656.
“Together we will help to stamp out illegal activity in our local area, demonstrating our commitment to responsible tyre disposal.”
In 2020/21 fly tipping in Wales increased by 22.5%. During this period Newport City Council responded to over 4000 fly tipping incidents and spent more than £150,000 on clearing dumped waste.
NRW data shows that between 2020 and 2021 there has been an increase of over 150% in reported waste crime incidents involving tyre disposal, with the Newport area being a particular hotspot for these reports.
Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner Jeff Cuthbert said:
"Fly-tipping blights our countryside and open spaces, as well as posing a risk to wildlife and grazing animals. Removing it comes at a significant cost to the taxpayer.
“This simple scheme will protect businesses that are trying to dispose of their waste responsibly and help us to catch those who choose to dump waste illegally.”
All businesses have a duty to ensure that their waste doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. To avoid this business owners should:
- Ask if your contractor is registered to carry waste.
- Ask where they are taking your tyres. This should be to a site that holds a waste permit, you can check permitted sites here.
- Ask for a transfer note, this will tell you where your waste has gone. You should keep a copy of this note for two years.
- And remember if you are offered a price for disposing of your tyres that seems too good to be true, think twice as it probably is.
Business owners can find out more about the duty of care requirements here Waste duty of care code of practice - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)