NRW launches consultation on tackling environmental crime

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is reviewing its Enforcement and Sanctions Policy, which will make how it tackles environmental crime in all its forms easier to understand and more accessible to the public.
The updated policy clarifies how NRW engages with individuals and businesses to educate and encourage compliance through good working practices which put the environment first. Where an offence may have occurred, there are a range of formal enforcement powers and sanctions available to rectify any environmental damage, deter further illegal activity or punish any offences committed.
NRW is running a public consultation on the Enforcement and Sanctions Policy. This will allow the people of Wales to have their say on NRW’s approach to enforcing against environmental crime.
Nadia De Longhi, Interim Head of Regulation at NRW, said:
“Tackling environmental crime is a priority for NRW and, to ensure this, we apply an extensive range of tools and approaches for enforcement and sanctions, including warnings, fixed penalties, cautions, enforcement undertakings and prosecution in Court.
“These sanctions are designed to prevent illegal activity taking place, punish wrong-doers and seek redress for communities and individuals affected by illegal activity.
“Ultimately, the sentences for prosecution cases are decided by the Court, with any fines awarded paid to Her Majesty’s Treasury. However, the aim of our revised Enforcement and Sanctions Policy is to make the thinking behind our decisions on enforcement clearer.
“We also want to give people a greater understanding on how and why we take different approaches to tackling individual cases.”
NRW’s Enforcement and Sanctions Policy public consultation opens on 16 August and runs until 27 September.
To find out more and have your say please visit Enforcement and Prosecution Policy - Natural Resources Wales Citizen Space - Citizen Space (