Natural Resources Wales celebrates 25 years of sustainable forestry management

Sunlight coming through trees at Wentwood forest

For the 25th consecutive year, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has maintained its FSC certification having been re-assessed by accredited auditors Soil Association, for its work in the sustainable management of the Welsh Government Woodland Estate. It has also maintained its PEFC certification.

NRW manages approximately 123 000 ha of forests and woodlands on behalf of the Welsh Government, with the state forming part of the longest continuously certified forest estates in the world.

Forest certification is assessed against the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) which provides an independent standard for certification of woodlands across the UK for sustainable forestry management.

The UKWAS standard is used as the basis for the two accredited forest certification schemes operating in the UK: the Forest Stewardship CouncilĀ® (FSCĀ®) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

Certification to one or both of these schemes assures the buyers and users of wood, and wood products, that they come from sustainably managed woodlands.

NRW is the largest timber supplier with dual certification status in Wales, harvesting around 735,000 m3 of trees from the WGWE each year.

Deputy First Minister with responsibility for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies said:

I'm absolutely delighted that the Welsh Government Woodland Estate, much of which forms the National Forest for Wales, has reached this important milestone of twenty five years!
This clearly demonstrates our commitment to sustainable forestry, ensuring it delivers for people, the environment and the economy and I look forward to us reaching the next milestone.

Ensuring that woodlands are managed sustainably delivers a whole host of benefits for the environment and communities across Wales, including:

  • Helping to tackle the climate and nature emergencies
  • Improving biodiversity, landscapes, and natural habitats
  • Supports the timber industry and economy in Wales

Matthew Park Team Leader in Estate Planning for Natural Resources Wales said:

Twenty-five years of sustainable forestry management is a milestone achievement. Forest certification is a real testament to the dedication and hard work of all of teams and contractors across Wales, who help to ensure the land in our care is well managed.
In the face of the climate and nature emergencies, ensuring our forests and woodlands are sustainably managed so they can continue to deliver for future generations has never been more important.
Each of our forests in Wales is unique and we manage them individually to ensure they can provide the best possible balance for people, the environment, wildlife, as well as sustainable timber production.
Currently around 735,000cubic meters of timber is sustainably sourced annually from the Welsh Government Woodland Estate. Carrying this certification system means that we can reassure our customers that wood, paper, and other products that come from our forests are from a sustainable source.