Use this page to find out your Welsh language level.
We will ask you for your spoken and written Welsh language level when you apply for a job with us.

A0 – No understanding of Welsh

Understanding Welsh

  • I have no understanding of Welsh

Speaking Welsh

  • I am unable to speak Welsh

Reading Welsh

  • I am unable to read Welsh

Writing in Welsh

  • I am unable to write in Welsh


A1 – Entry level

Understanding of Welsh

  • I can understand simple everyday phrases

  • I can understand short, written texts where people provide basic personal information about myself or others, for example on forms

  • I can understand basic phrases and greetings

Speaking Welsh

  • I can use familiar everyday greetings and very basic phrases

  • I can introduce myself to others, ask and answer questions about personal details, for example where someone lives and works, what they like to do and who they know, times and numbers

  • I can communicate in a simple way if the other person talks slowly and clearly

Reading Welsh

  • I am unable to read Welsh

Writing in Welsh

  • I can convey a simple written message or making a simple request, for example by email


A2 – Foundation level 

Understanding Welsh

  • I can understand, when people speak slowly, sentences about familiar everyday situations, for example basic personal and family information, discussing simple work related matters, including what people have done or what they would do

  • I can understand written messages about everyday issues and simple letters and emails

Speaking Welsh

  • I can hold a simple conversation about everyday familiar subjects, describe aspects of my past and matters to my immediate needs

Reading Welsh

  • I am unable to read Welsh

Writing in Welsh

  • I can write short messages about everyday familiar topics to colleagues, for example to pass on a message

B1 – Intermediate level

Understanding Welsh

  • I can understand the main points when someone speaks about everyday subjects inside and outside the workplace, or when work issues are being discussed, for example in a conversation, or in a small group meeting

  • I can understand articles or direct email messages dealing with everyday subjects or subjects involving work

Speaking Welsh

  • I can hold an extended conversation with a fluent speaker on a familiar subject involving aspects e.g. interests, travel, or subjects directly involving work

  • I can describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions, and to give brief explanations and reasons for your opinion and plans

Reading Welsh

  • I can read and understand articles or direct email messages dealing with everyday subjects or subjects involving work

Writing in Welsh

  • I can write a letter or email on familiar subjects, for example ask for things, give information, invite someone or arrange an event

B2 – Upper intermediate level 

Understanding Welsh

  • I can understand most discussions including some technical discussions, for example discussions taking place in meetings

Speaking Welsh

  • I can communicate and express an opinion on familiar work related matters, for example in meetings

  • I can describe work related matters clearly and expand by providing examples

Reading Welsh

  • I can read and understand most information including some technical aspects in relation to work

Writing Welsh

  • I can write short pieces on a wide range of subjects related to my work and areas of interest with assistance of spellchecker, dictionary or technical assistance

  • I can take notes or write reports, giving my viewpoint including advantages and disadvantages of options

C1 - Proficiency level

Understanding Welsh

  • I can follow most conversations or discussions, even on unfamiliar subjects, unless someone is speaking with a strong or unfamiliar accent, for example at a conference or when speaking on a very technical or specialised subject

Speaking Welsh

  • I can speak confidently with fluent speakers about familiar subjects involving everyday life and work issues

  • I can express an opinion, take part in a discussion, and speak at length on general subjects

Reading Welsh

  • I can understand most correspondence, newspaper articles and reports intended for fluent speakers, with the assistance of a dictionary, and to scan long texts to locate details

Writing Welsh

  • I can write short articles, business letters or reports on a range of subjects of a general nature, or involving work, and to respond correctly to most correspondence from internal or external contacts with editorial assistance

C2 – Higher proficiency level

Understanding Welsh

  • I can easily understand almost everything heard or said

  • I can summarise information from different oral and written sources, recreates arguments and descriptions in a coherent presentation

Speaking Welsh

  • I can speak at length on complicated matters, presents arguments, and lead discussions (for example giving presentations or press interviews in Welsh)

  • I can expresses myself fluently and in detail, adapting language style according to audience, for example in a formal or informal context (such as carrying out negotiations, using technical terms)

Reading Welsh

  • I can summarise information from different written sources, recreate arguments and descriptions in a coherent presentation

Writing Welsh

  • I can write formal letters and e-mails in Welsh with editing assistance, and write reports in Welsh

  • I can take accurate notes at meetings and seminars


Last updated